Public Education-Outreach

The Florida Keys Mosquito Control District is very proud to offer a comprehensive public education program throughout the Florida Keys.
In the Classroom
School programs are provided to various grade levels at all the schools throughout Monroe County. Topics include mosquito biology and lifecycle, mosquito habitats and mosquito prevention.
In Civic Groups
Speaking engagements for local civic groups are made very frequently. Topics of presentation include control techniques for the yard, FKMCD history and overview, novel control mesures, etc.
At the Festival
Public outreach booths at festivals throughout the Keys are a significant part of the District’s outreach program.
At Home
Homeowners receive informational door hangers and timely literature as part of the educational campaign. The District also distributes a 12-minute DVD titled A Florida Keys Homeowners Guide to Mosquito Control which details the steps they can take to rid their premises of container breeding mosquitoes.